Message From The President
Aloha Kakou,
E komo mai ka Alaka'ina Foundation where our mission is to support and preserve the Native Hawaiian culture. To do this we focus on our "Na Pua 'o Hawaii (the youth of Hawaii) within three major areas.
We are a private Hawaii charitable foundation that receives no outside funding or government support. As a Hawaiian foundation we support all who wish to learn and work in the following disciplines:
‘Oelo Hawai’i.
We support the preservation and expansion of the Hawaiian language, that is one of two official Hawaii State languages recognized by the constitution of Hawai’i.
“I ulu no ka lala I ke kumu” (Without our ancestors we would not be here, our language binds our family”)
Ka Wa’a.
We support the preservation and expansion of Hawaiian technology and use the canoe and Hawaiian navigational techniques as a metaphor for integration of Western and Hawaiian technologies and their knowledge they provide to all.
“A’ohe pau ka ‘ike I ka halau ho’okahi” (Not all knowledge is contained in one school, one can learn from many sources.)
Aloha ‘Aina.
We support the teaching and preserving of our lands and oceans
“We seek harmony between Ke Akua, na akua, na aumakua (god), ‘aina (land), moana (sea) lani (heaven) and Kanaka (people), all part of the lokahi triangle (togetherness)”
We look forward to having you join us on our journey.
O wau, me ka ‘oia’i’o,
Michael Kimo Wong